Every woman is unique with a distinct combination of risk factors and protective characteristics. This uniqueness requires individual approach to her care in pregnancy. Such individualization only recently became possible with the advance of computing.

How to deliver the baby by vaginal or cesarean delivery is one of the most important questions in pregnancy.
1 in 10 women who go into labor needs a cesarean section to deliver the baby.
There are three ways to deliver the baby: vaginal delivery (VD), unplanned cesarean delivery in labor (UPCD), and elective cesarean delivery before labor begins (ECD).
The VD is the safest, the UPCD the least safe, and the ECD is between the two.
We aim to identify women at the high individual risk of UPCD for whom ECD is a safer option AND women at low risk of UPCD – the vast majority – for whom the labor is safer.
The risk of UPCD varies vastly among women because even few basic characteristics every woman knows about her and her pregnancy which we use to predict the risk results in millions of unique combinations. Thus, the risks and the predictions are individual, and such individualization requires super-computing.
The individual predictions and decision-making are made based on characteristics every woman knows about herself and her pregnancy.
Aided by the individual decision-making tools, patient and her provider can together make the individually best decision about her delivery.